Best 60+ Use and Throw Quotes In 2024

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Life is either a great adventure or nothing.

I have very strong feelings about how you lead your life

.You always look ahead, you never look back.

People always think that if you eat anything as a model, it’s amazing.
I used to tease them and say, you know I’m going to throw up afterward.

Selfish is defined as being focused only on yourself, or acting that way.

Pay close attention to those that don’t clap when you win.

Fake people will fade away when you are in trouble only real ones will remain.

When they see you’re doing better without them, that’s when they want you back.

When they see you’re doing better without them, that’s when they want you back.

An example of someone selfish is a toddler who doesn’t want to share their toys.

I don’t go by the rule book…I lead from the heart, not the head.

They don’t miss you when you’re gone. They miss you when you move on.

They’re not happy for you because they wish it were them.

It is a great show that you put on but now I know the truth so you can leave me alone.

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Stay away from fake people because you don’t know when they will throw you.

The time is always right to do what is right.

Some people were only friends because you saw them five times a week.

I get used to my fountain pens and my clothes, and I can never throw them away.

replace them only when I see that they are broken or embarrassing to wear.

I hated the whole idea of being an actress.
now I know the truth so you can leave me alone.

The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.

Some people were only friends because you saw them five times a week.

Life is not a spectator sport. If you’re going to spend your whole life in the grandstand

I used to throw up before every performance and cry afterward.

going to spend your whole life in the grandstand

just watching what goes on, in my opinion, you’re wasting your life.

True friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but they are always there.
If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.

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Some people come into your life to spread darkness so stay away from them

It is better to have more enemies in life than to have a fake friend

I used to empty the studio and throw stuff away. I now don’t.

There will be a whole series of dead ends that a year or two down the line I’ll come back to.

People will never find a better way to live than being happy.

Having one or two fake friends in your

Once I trusted you but you broke it and now I prefer to stay away from you”
Walk away from people who just care about themselves

Fake people always spread negativity but real ones spread positivity

Fake people will talk about you good in front of you and bad behind you

Trust someone when their action match their words

People only show their true colors with time.

Fake people show their colors when they have no use of you anymore

Choose people carefully because there are a lot of fake ones in the world
Real ones will walk with you till the end but fake people will disappear

When you fall fake people will smile but true ones will always help you to get up

Choose friends wisely because you don’t know who is your enemy.

There are many fake people but you will find true ones in your life

True friends never want to see you fail in life but fake friends want to see

I’m surprised how people fake their whole life

Fake people always talk about you behind your back

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