Best 30+ Baba Saheb Ambedkar Images With Quotesin 2024

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Baba Saheb Ambedkar Images With Quotes Download

Bhari in religion may be road to the salvation of the soul. But in politics, Baltimore or hero-worship is a sure road to degradation and to eventual dictatorship.”

“Caste is not just a division of labour, it is a division of labourers”

I solemnly assure you that I will not die as a Hindu

When a nation’s people are strong, the nation becomes strong. Let us be inspired by B.R.Ambedkar and strive to be like him. Congratulations on Ambedkar Hasbro!

“Equality may be a fiction but nonetheless one must accept it as a governing principle.”

Be educated, be agitated, be organized, be confident, never give up, these are the five principles of our life.

Baba Saheb Ambedkar Images With Quotes In English

Educate boys and girls, do not involve them in traditional business activities.

You should increase your qualification at the student level itself.

Be educated, be organised, be agitated.

Be educated, be organised, be agitated

Education is an instrument of social change, be hungry when the time comes but educate your children.

Education is the key to real progress in life.

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If you believe in living a respectable life, you believe in self-help which is the best help

Equality maybe a fiction but nonetheless one must accept it as a governing principle.

Constitution is not a mere lawyers document, it is a vehicle of Life, and it’s spirit is always the spirit of Age.

A safe army is better than a safe border

A great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of the society.

Indifferentism is the worst kind of disease that can affect people.

Baba Saheb Ambedkar Images With Quotes About Education Skills

The basic idea underlying religion is to create an atmosphere for the spiritual development of the individual.

They cannot make history who forget history

If I find Constitution being misused, I shall be the first to burn it.

The sovereignty of scriptures of all religions must come to an end if we want to have a united integrated modern India.”

I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.

“I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity.”

Best Baba Saheb Ambedkar Images With Quotes

The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends.

“Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence”

A great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of the society

So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of no avail to you. “

“Life should be great rather than long.”

“Equality may be a fiction but nonetheless one must accept it as a governing principle.”

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