Best 60+ Positivity Motivational Swami Samarth Quotes & Images in 2024

Best Positivity Motivational Swami Samarth Quotes & Images Get the Best of collections Quotes Images Messages Captions, and Sayings like love Sad Inspirational Attitude Life Qoutes and more.

Positivity Motivational Swami Samarth Quotes Download

The Longer the sheet the more The pair of fellows

The world is a dream, only the Atman is real.”

Self-realization is the highest goal of human life.”

The company of the wise and the study of spiritual texts will elevate you to the highest state of consciousness.”

The true guru is one who shows you the path to self-realization.”

Be like a lotus flower, untouched by the mud in which it grows.”

Life is a new book every day a new lesson and Every moment a new message

Which is the cause of all the creations, which is Bhakti Bhulavi
My indestructible lord, who is the master of mind’s arrogance
Believe that wherever the limit ends, I will support you from there

Keep in mind what a pure mind does in vain
Hungry for what? What do you put next?

It’s in your heart that I won’t let you down,
You will not be left alone in this Kali Yuga,
I will be guiding you in the fight you are playing Manasi.
Don’t be afraid I am with you.

To know the mortal nature of worldly life, to do nishkama karma – Sri Swami Samarth

Don’t pay attention to people who leave during bad times.
But those who supported in bad times brought good times
Never forget their value

Have full faith in God because he is always with you

Let the fearful fear of Uga fly away
Let the power of Swami standing nearby be known
The game of birth and death
Don’t be afraid, you are their baby

Vibhuti Naman Naam Dhyanadi Tirtha Swami himself in these Panch Pranabhruta
Take this tirtha, the eighth ray Prachiti will not leave the lord who took it

Be aware of what the pure mind wastes in vain,
Hungry for what? What do you put next?

Don’t be afraid I am with you

Jo such reason with all creation, Akarane Jo Lavi Bhaktisi
Such an incorruptible master of the arrogant tricksters of the delusional mind

Never lose courage in your life

Let the fearful fear of Uga flee, Let the power of the lord standing near be known,
Whose birth and death are games, don’t be afraid of them, baby

Be aware of the pure mind, what is the need for hunger? What do you put next

No matter how good a person’s financial condition is, he needs to be in a good state of mind to truly enjoy life.

Honesty is a very precious commodity, don’t expect it from any frivolous person.

There are many such occasions of hope and disappointment, but people who have a strong foundation of thoughts stand firm in any situation!!

Winning is like losing that is life

Silence is the only way to conquer anger

Stay silent until you succeed. Because if the lion keeps shouting, he will not get the prey!

He who has done nothing wrong in life means he has done nothing in his life.

Both winning and losing require the same effort, so why bother losing?

We should just be happy because there are many unpaid people working full time to make us sad.

Every Prøblem has a solution you just have to find it

Let the fearful fear of Uga flee away, let the power of the lord standing near be known, whose games of life, birth and death, don’t be afraid of them, you child.

Who is the cause of all the creatures, who is devoted to the mind, who is arrogant and cunning, my indestructible lord.

Believe that wherever the limit ends, I will support you from there

Great authority, wealth should not be trusted forever Shri Swami Samarth Jai Jai Raghuveer Samarth

Don’t be afraid I am with you

Everything in the world is temporary so how can you make yourself permanent

Your true faith will be in the right place
So the stone also gets divinity
Shri Swami Samarth

There are many difficulties in life
But to go in front of them
Power comes only from lords

Charity given to the poor and
Taken in the mouth of Sadguru Swami
A name is never wasted

Don’t be afraid I am with you

Which is the cause of all creation
Akarane Jo Lavi Bhaktisi
Arrogant tricks of the delusional mind
Such an indestructible lord of mine

Sorrow and happiness are two part of life but it depends on your thinking that what you will focus on

Don’t worry about it
I will do what you did not think
Shri Swami Samarth

One should realize the mortal nature of worldly life
Do idle work
Shri Swami Samarth

Great authority, wealth
Don’t trust them forever
Shri Swami Samarth Jai Jai Raghuveer Samarth

Adversity is your strength and determination
They come to see
Shri Swami Samarth

Have faith that your wish will be fulfilled
And submit to the masters without hesitation
Keep doing the work and you will get the results

The goal of life should be to keep yourself and others happy

Where there is Swamicharan, what is the least?
It is my intention to create a devotee of oneself.
Time did not take him without command,
He is not afraid of the afterlife
Swami will make the impossible possible.

Let the fearful fear of Uga fly away,
Let this Swamishakti be known in Vase Antri.
Games like birth and death,
Don’t be afraid, you are their baby
Swami will make the impossible possible.

With true faith,
How are you Swamibhakt?
Remember! How many times he supported me,
Don’t waver, Lord will give you a hand
Swami will make the impossible possible.

Vibhuti Namannam Dhyanardi Tirtha,
It is Swami in this Panchamrita.
This is the eighth pilgrimage,
No lot, Jaya Swami takes it.

Swami will make the impossible possible
Swami will make the impossible possible

Don’t pretend to be weak but make yourself strong

Means: Where Swami ji’s feet are there, what is lacking there. Swami himself writes the fate of the devotees.

Whoever is blessed by Swami ji does not have any fear in all the three worlds.

Ugachi Bhitosi fear, give me
Swami Shakti Kalu is the only one who knows him.
The game of birth and death was awakened,
Don’t be afraid, you are such a child
Swami will make the impossible possible.

Means: You are afraid without any reason, drive away the fear, understand the power of the Lord who resides in the mind.

Living and dying is their game, don’t be afraid, you are like their child. Swami will make even the impossible possible.

Positivity Quotes & Images Of Swami Samarth

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